Adopting Standards | British Pest Control Association
In line with Al Asmakh Facilities Management’s vision for continuous improvement, we have adopted a world renowned standard for our Pest Control Services. We are now a proud member of British Pest Control Association, UK (BCPA). BPCA sets guidelines for Pest Control and Disinfection services operationally all around the globe. This enables Al Asmakh Facilities Management to benchmark our services to global standards and broadly improve the quality of work we offer our clients.
Our Learning & Development team is actively working together with BPCA to adopt these standards by acquiring support materials and training our staff to align with BCPA’s recommendations. Through this, we are aiming to create a workforce that is skilled, competent and updated with the latest knowledge and skills in a rapidly evolving and complex environment.
Al Asmakh Facilities Management, together for a better tomorrow!